Our Fall Program will start this Sunday (Sept 10), Teams will be assigned to coaches, parents have your kids ready to play in a game with their equipment (baseball pants, cleats, baseball glove, etc) the League will provide Fall Ball Shirts and Hats.
Cal Ripken League Reporting Times
8:30am - Minor 10U - Field 8
9:30am - Farm 7U - Field 10
11:00am - Majors 12U - Field 7
Babe Ruth League Reporting Times
10:00am - Seniors Division (Ages 16-18) Field 9
1:00pm - Juniors Division (Ages 13-15) Field 9
Our fields are located on the corner of Carson St. and Palo Verde Ave., across from the Heartwell Golf Course.
Any questions please don't hesitate to email us at heartwellbaseballinc@gmail.com